Mike Lewis
Over 8 years on council I have applied an economic approach to decision making and supported change that balanced the ratepayers needs with responsible financial management.
As the only self-employed business owner on council, I have used my business acumen to encourage decisions that would lead to the efficient use of resources, limit council’s liability, and create accountability to our ratepayers.
My objective is to keep the momentum of innovation and reform happening in Bassendean.
As your voice on council I will:
- Push for Transparency, Accountability and affordable Rates,
- Create opportunities to boost trade in the town centre,
- Plan for Development that protects mixed-use green public space,
- Save Australia Day Fireworks and Recognise Indigenous leaders,
- Create a walkable, ‘pedestrian-centric’ tree-lined town,
- Develop a new multiple purpose Community Civic Centre.
Jessica Strauss
I grew up in Bassendean and proudly call Eden Hill home. I currently work in Communications at UWA. I truly love the Town and want to see it grow in a sustainable way, by facilitating appropriate development, but also protecting the environment.
What I am Standing for:
- Ensuring we have a sensible budget and work to keep rates stable.
- Develop a bicycle boulevard and connect the town to the river.
- Drive crime down by installing CCTV in crime hotspots.
- Enhancement of parks and reserves. Such as better play equipment, bike riding paths, facilities for exercise, kids play equipment and I will advocate for our reserves to be ‘community meeting’ places.
- Prickle-free parks and reserves. Sensible weed management program to ensure out-of control weeds in the town such as Bindi, Fleabane, Wild Radish, and Ryegrass are controlled is vital.
Craig Lucanus
I’m passionate about youth education. Through working as a teacher at Cyril Jackson Senior Campus, I'm able to gain valuable insight into the needs of our town’s youth and residents.
As a small council Bassendean must sensibly manage its finances to afford the aspirations and the growing needs of its residents. Therefore, we need to better manage our resources. I believe that our town’s facilities could be better utilise to meet these needs.
Given the opportunity I will work within Council to:
- Keep rates affordable and cautiously manage costs;
- Negiotating the use of Cyril Jackson Campus facilities to deliver activities in art, sport, and recreation for youth;
- Supporting the arts with a dedicated home to encourage cultural expression of ideas in a community environment;
- Providing a Child Health Centre encompassing both a Clinic and Playgroup.
George Copley
My passion for our Town is unwavering. I have been a long term supporter of the Swan Districts Football club and a member of the Swansmens Association.
As a Councillor I will act in the best interests of all residents and assess matters on merit without fear or favour.
If elected to council I will:
- Petition State Government for a Police Station in Ashfield,
- Push for the rebuilding of the Swan Districts Football Club,
- Lobby for lights at the corner of Coulston Street and Guildford Road,
- Create tourism events to brand Bassendean as the gateway to the Valley,
- Lobby the State Government to build an Aboriginal Cultural Centre.